Must Watch: Sundance Hit 'Martha Marcy May Marlene' First Trailer

May 4, 2011
Source: Apple

Martha Marcy May Marlene Trailer

"You're a teacher and a leader Marcy, now prove it!" Fox Searchlight has debuted the first official trailer on Apple for the Sundance hit Martha Marcy May Marlene, which many of my friends and colleagues referred to as their favorite film of the 2011 Sundance Film Festival. Yet again, Fox Searchlight knows how to cut amazing trailers from fantastic films. Martha Marcy May Marlene is one of a few cult films from Sundance this year, starring breakout actress Elizabeth Olsen (yes, the third Olsen sister) in a very odd, but intricate, role. I don't know how any cinephile wouldn't want to see this film after watching this trailer.

Watch the first official trailer for Sean Durkin's Martha Marcy May Marlene:

You can watch the Martha Marcy May Marlene trailer in High Definition on Apple

Martha Marcy May Marlene stars newcomer Elizabeth Olsen as Martha, a damaged woman haunted by her memories and increasing paranoia, who struggles to reassimilate with her family after fleeing a cult.

Martha Marcy May Marlene is both written and directed by first-time filmmaker Sean Durkin, of only a couple of shorts previously. This premiered at the Sundance Film Festival, where Sean won the Dramatic Directing Award. Fox Searchlight picked this up during the fest and will be releasing Martha Marcy May Marlene in limited theaters beginning October 21st later this fall. So what did you think of that trailer?


Find more posts: Feat, Indies, To Watch, Trailer



Somehow I was waiting for “to my sweet girl?” after someone says “what happen” in very similar voice to Barbara Hershey’s. It looks in the same boat with Winter’s Bone. Intriguing, i must say.

Mikhael Tarigan on May 4, 2011


john hawkes is sky rocketing his way up my favorite actors list, i'll def see this when it comes out, im glad they didn't give away too much

Ellen Cantalupo on May 4, 2011


I agree. I didn't know who he was until Deadwood, but since then, I've taken notice of him. He's a great supporting actor and was good in Winter's Bone.

JL on May 4, 2011


You never know, just wait until you see it... 😉

Alex Billington on May 4, 2011


looks creepy. I want to see it.

Peter Kosmal on May 4, 2011


Looks great, thanks!

Dsfsdfs on May 4, 2011


im confused yet mistified 😛

Anonymous on May 4, 2011


I love when trailers don't tell you everything that happens and what it all means! Can't wait, this is now on my most-anticipated list. Yay! For some reason I couldn't help but think of Donnie Darko. I know this is nothing like that, well I don't know.. Something about it, though.

Traveler on May 4, 2011


Hawkes is the effing Man. This looks very interesting, feel like its got a sad ending, though.

DwainIBe on May 5, 2011


This looks like a good flick!

Eric81375 on May 5, 2011


very nice.... couldnt help notice how Liz Olsen looks so much more natural than her millionaire siblings

Boon on May 6, 2011


Yes! I love how "normal" she looks. And from the looks of this trailer, her acting seems fantastic.

fem!anon on May 7, 2011

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